Mommy and Daddy were once babies too
Benjamin & Sarah's Babyblog is a collection of notes on our children's development and experiences as well as occassional links to information on the Web of personal interest as a parent.

Post date: 2002-11-02

Benjamin's Halloween.
With great love and anticipation Mommy made the perfect Bam-Bam (from the Flintstones) costume for Benjamin. The weather had been perfect here in town. Until Halloween night that is.

It was the first cold day of the season, down into the 30's. So the rather "light" costume was not going to be appropriate. Mommy went out in a hurry to find something warmer.

In a flash, Benjamin went from terrible caveman, to sweet and tame... little lamb. But still, the baby -and us had lots of fun. Oh, and here's a pictorial for the month that just ended: BIT Oct.2002 (117 Kb JPEG).

Wait! I forgot to mention that after trick-or-treat-ing, he actually took one step, then stopped, realized he wasn't holding on to anything, and then flexed his knees to sit on the floor.

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