Mommy and Daddy were once babies too
Benjamin & Sarah's Babyblog is a collection of notes on our children's development and experiences as well as occassional links to information on the Web of personal interest as a parent.

January 2005 Archive


Lonley daddy

For 1136 days (since I became a father), I had not been away from my children for more than a few hours. They have been with Mommy for more than a day now, far-away in 60-degree (F) weather, while I sit here at home alone, and it's 5 degrees outside. There are no sounds. No cries. No laughter.

I don't have to take care of their nightly bath, and now I don't know what to do with myself, even when there's really a lot I should be doing. Heck, I should be sleeping! but right now, I'd rather be walking up-and-down in the dark holding my Baby daughter and singing softly, trying to get her to sleep.

And really I cannot sleep peacefully, when I can't sneak into my Son's room before bed to kiss his forehead and be reminded that there's a reason we're here.

Mommy, come home soon. I miss you and our kids too much.

Long time, no links

Here just a few recent ones:


Holidays 2004

We were in Guaymas (Mexico) for the Holidays, and had a great time. Everyone--on Daddy's side of the family--had a chance to meet Sarah, and witness just how much Benjamin has grown and learned in the 30 months since we were there last. And we have lots of photos!

While in Guaymas Sarah was christened (Dec. 26th), in the same chapel as her brother. A few days earlier (on the 21st) Sarah said Mama for the first time!

Mommy & Daddy had a chance to date again at their favorite restaurant (Piccolo). We also had the opportunity to rest and sleep longer (yes!) even though we were under the weather the first few days. But most of all we greatly enjoyed seeing and interacting with everyone.

Photos? who said anything about photos? Ok! we start with our own collection of images from the 2004 holidays. But there's more! First, Mayo took many pictures while we were in Phoenix, then you'll find us also among Gordo's collections: Navidad I and II, and Bautizo. Memo too has pictures: Navidad and Bautizo. Both of them took pictures during our lunch at Helen's suegra's house in San Carlos: from Gordo, from Memo. Then in new year's eve we had a family photo-shoot, and Memo took these pictures while Gordo took these other photos the same afternoon.

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