Mommy and Daddy were once babies too
Benjamin & Sarah's Babyblog is a collection of notes on our children's development and experiences as well as occassional links to information on the Web of personal interest as a parent.

Post date: 2002-04-20

Four-month checkup

Our baby is in very good health and still growing a lot. Weight: 19 Lb 12.5 Oz (97th %), height: 26.75 in (97th %), head: 17.5 in (95th %). Dr. K was very pleased with Ben's progress and recommended that he continues feeding exclusively from Mommy's milk for at least another month. So we put on hold any plan for the introduction of solids to his diet.

During the whole event Benjamin was very happy and talking with everyone --even the doctor and nurses. Poor baby, he didn't know his good fortune was a about to take a sudden turn, without warning, for the worse... The moment finally came to give him his shots: Four of them (two per thigh) in rapid fire succession, as if from a machine gun. His happy face transformed right before our eyes into something resembling the reddest tomato, and it took several seconds before he at last let out a loud cry of pain. To witness such tragedy was extremely hard for us, and we felt like we had somehow betrayed him. It was horrible.

Immediately afterwards, Mommy took him outside and sang his favorite song to him: Raffi's "Over in the Meadow" from the Baby Beluga CD. When she got to ...the birdies three..., Ben was much calmer but still with some tears on his cheeks.

As consolation, we went to get us a couple of ice cream cones, while Ben calmly took a nap. When he finally woke up, he was again his good natured self.

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